About the Perlite Institute

Members of the Perlite Institute work together to learn the most efficient and effective ways to produce market-ready perlite, to build awareness among target industries of perlite's incredible potential, and to research and then communicate the mineral's properties to end-users.

Our History and Purpose

The Perlite Institute was founded in 1949, a year in which it is estimated only 80,000 tons of perlite ore was mined throughout the world. The unusual properties and advantages of this virtually new material had been known for some time, yet recognition and acceptance was impeded due to a lack of reliable technical data, uniform commercial standards and sufficient public information.

What was needed was a coordinated effort, a continuing campaign to secure the future of the perlite industry—an industry of highly promising but largely unexploited potential. Miners of perlite ore and perlite expanders combined efforts and resources in order to help themselves individually. The Perlite Institute was founded.

Its most important task was to develop, through approved investigation and research, a greater technical and engineering knowledge of perlite and then to disseminate the information to its members, architects, engineers, landscapers and other users of the product.

The Institute's goal was to increase the public's awareness and knowledge of perlite through well-organized and effective programs of publicity and advertising. It would provide a forum for discussing common problems and creating solutions through cooperative thinking and effort. It would assist the perlite producer in marketing, sales promotion and sales training.

Finally, the Perlite Institute would act as headquarters for the industry by dispensing appropriate information, technical advice and guidance, as well as fostering a strong liaison with allied industries and associations. Responsibility for these tasks was vested in an elected Board of Directors and its staff. The voluntary contribution of the several Committees proved, from the very first, to be of greatest significance.

Today there are excellent prospects for steadily increasing perlite markets throughout the world. Perlite is being used in many applications, particularly in the construction, insulation, filtration, horticulture and industrial fields. The future continues to look promising for the worldwide perlite industry.

Core Values of the Perlite Institute

  • Integrity is Our Guiding Principle
  • Volunteering is the Best Form of Leadership
  • Collaboration Generates Better Ideas


Since its establishment in 1949, the Perlite Institute has coordinated many research projects designed to develop new products, applications, marketing advantages and to generate information to ensure the continued growth of the industry.

Possibly no single company has the time or money to generate the bank of data that has been developed by the Institute. Through the coordinated resources of the membership, numerous accomplishments have been achieved for the benefit of the members.

The research and technical investigations of the Institute are formulated and directed by the various committees and are overseen by the Board of Directors. The administrative details of the work are directed by Institute staff personnel and by consultants engaged by the Institute.


Becoming a member is a simple process. Your company can start benefiting from full membership benefits in a matter of weeks after submitting your application. Visit the membership page for more information.


The Perlite Institute board regularly schedules two face-to-face meetings, plus two additional Board conference calls.

The Institute's Annual Meeting is held every fall at various locations near members throughout the world. In addition to committee meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors, featured speakers are invited to make presentations. Plant tours or tours to perlite user facilities are often scheduled.

One of the most important benefits of these meetings is the opportunity to meet informally with perliters from around the world to discuss subjects of common interest.